These kinds of things happen in front of Blaine Parker's head.
They are often reconfigured for YouTube.
(Everything here shot, edited, written, otherwise scraped together and sometimes voiced by Blaine Parker.)
SMOKIN' MARY SMOKED BLOODY MARY MIX Slow Burn client Laurie Nadeau is the hardest-working woman in the food-show business, and she works Smokin' Mary like there's no tomorrow. It's one reason we love her. She's also making it happen on a budget, and who are we to argue? Written by The Fabulous Honey Parker, and produced and voiced by Blaine Parker using composited stock footage, Smokin' Mary squeezed this tomato for thousands of views on day one. |
"HOW IT WORKS" THE STANDING "O" PROJECT Created for Slow Burn Marketing client The Standing "O" Project, this is a one-minute explanation of how a new singer/songwriter membership site is going to change the music business and change the world. |
PARK CITY CHAMBER/ BUREAU Slow Burn Marketing got a call from the Park City Chamber of Commerce. The task was simple: attract more locals to the annual Professional Services Expo. First Question: Could we change the name of the event? Then, not being above pandering, we shamelessly incorporated Park City's favorite pet: dogs. The resulting campaign doubled the chamber's goal for increased attendance. So they asked us back again the next year. This is the first campaign's sequel video. |
PINE MEADOWS PROPERTIES Dan Heath is an unusual Realtor, and Tollgate Canyon is an unusual place. Some simple snapshots arranged in a simple video of Dan speaking simply about Tollgate seemed like a no-brainer. Who knew the result would be a video that people frequently claim makes them cry? (Dan outsells all other Realtors who compete in this neighborhood--combined.) |
ELEVATION 7 PARK CITY REALTY Park City is a cool little town with a whole lot happening. And E7 is a cool little real estate agency with a whole lot going on. With over 40 years combined experience in the market, they're not like other agents. they have a deep and loyal client list spanning back decades. Their regular repeat customer base is testimony to the personal interest they take in each client. And like Park City, they're just fun to be around. |
OOH LA LA HAIR STUDIO A young woman from Heber buys a hair salon and turns to Slow Burn Marketing to update the brand image. Three years later, she has tripled revenues and won "Best of Park City" by popular vote. |
"FACES OF POND SKIM" PLANETDO.COM One of many no-budget videos created for Slow Burn client, this is a representative sampling of the springtime lunacy that occurs each April at Canyons Resort in Park City, Utah. |
"BILLY DEMONG, FACE FIRST" PLANETDO Another of PlanetDo's no-budget videos, this is from the series called Scar Stories--real people telling true stories of going big and eating it. Billy is obviously an Olympic medalist, and he eats it with Olympic ferocity. |